Jumping the broom has become synonymous with African American wedding ceremonies. It has always been thought that slaves jumped the broom because they were not able to marry legally. Although slave marriages were not recognized by law, most slaves were allowed to be married and their masters attended the weddings. In some cases, slaves were given a minister to officiate the ceremony. When the ceremony was complete the master and missy of the house would hold out the broom stick for the bride and groom to jump over.
After careful research, I learned that jumping the broom is probably not a tradition originating in slavery. More than likely, jumping the broom is a practice that originated from the Ashanti tribe in Ghana and carried over into America during the slave trade.
Jumping the broom is not only an African American tradition. It is also by practiced by Wiccans, the Welsh and Roma.
So that's my brief lesson in broom jumping. It's up to you to decide if you really think that jumping the broom is an important part of your ceremony. It would great to trace your roots with African Ancestry before you actually wed. If your ancestors are from Ghana and are members of the Ashanti tribe, then you should definitely jump the broom. I would love to hear your thoughts on this tradition.
Interesting thoughts Ayana! I am jumping the broom but I have also learned that other cultures in Africa do this as well. I also read that jumping the broom symbolizes leaving the past and jumping into the future of your lives together as husband and wife sooo...i guess its whatever floats your boat. I traced my roots back to africa and ended being from Sierra Leone!!! I wonder what they do.....Keep writing I enjoy reading your blog....Peace. Ayanna.
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